SYNERGY Expert Meeting

Expert Meeting
The annual Synergy Expert Meeting is organized to provide an opportunity for synergistic discussion between health psychologists conducting research in core fields of their discipline. It is an opportunity for researchers to present their research for in-depth discussion with other experts in the same field in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
The Synergy Expert Meeting is a satellite event of the EHPS conference and has its own registration procedure.
Practical Information
Sun 3rd and Mon 4th September 2023 (optional Welcome event on Saturday evening, 2nd September)
Facilitators: Prof Ryan E. Rhodes and Prof Aleksandra Luszczynska
Pricing: 250€
Funding: The Synergy Expert Meeting grant is intended for more senior researchers who are accepted onto the Synergy expert meeting. Each grant is for a maximum of 1100€ toward expert meeting registration, conference fee, accommodation and travel. More information:
Application: To apply for the Expert Meeting, please complete the application form: In order to participate in the Expert Meeting, you will need to be a member of the EHPS. You can register for membership here:
Deadline for applications: Friday, 2nd June 15th June, 2023
All we know about physical activity and the social environment: A systems mapping approach
Workshop Description
In this Expert Meeting, we aim to go beyond the dominant models for explaining and influencing initiation and maintenance of physical activity. We will achieve this by (1) integrating the broad list of social environment factors related to physical activity with a central focus on nuclear family members (a dyad of romantic partners, parents or legal guardians, and children) and (2) combining the factors into a system map of physical activity. In particular, the objective of the Expert Meeting is to collaboratively develop a publishable system map giving insight into complex family environment factors influencing physical activity, shifting the focus towards a system-based logic approach (instead of process-oriented approaches).