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Number of Announcements: 4
Latest announcement: Sept. 5th 10:35
Twitter Feed

Announcement #5 - Sept. 5th 10:35 Elevators on Campus out service.
The elevators on campus will be out of service between 16:00 on Wednesday, 6th of September and 06:00 on Thursday, 7th of September. Should you need assistance during those hours please call Nicolas at 00357-99-580186 and we will arrange to help you.
Announcement #4 - Sept 4th 15:15 Major Program change on Wednesday and Friday
Program change #EHPS2023 Adriana Baban unfortunately had to cancel her keynote (Wed 17:00).
will give the Wed keynote instead. The 13:30 sessions on Friday will be moved forward to 11:30 – check… and the online program for more details.
Benjamin Schüz.
Announcement #3 - Sept 4th 09:30 No zoom feed from room HS1010
The first session in Room HS 1010 , Round Table, will not be broadcasted to zoom due to a technical issue.
Announcement # 2-Sept. 2nd, 10:51 --- Relocation of the Opening Reception
Hi all,
after consultation with the caterer, Melita and I have decided to move the opening reception to their place (Cafe Unique). Much easier logistics and better outside seating. It’s just around the corner from the lecture theatre in the other direction from GW2 ( I will of course announce it during the opening ceremony and put it on twitter, but maybe we should also post it on the website and easyacademia. I think Monday should suffice. Something like:
Welcome Reception
The location for the welcome reception has changed – we will welcome you at Café Unique just downstairs from the lecture theatres. Follow the signs and the noise and join us for a drink and nibbles:
Announcement # 1- Sept. 1st, 18:09 --- EHPS 2023 WhatsApp groups
Dear EHPS members,
There are a handful of WhatsApp groups to support socializing during and after the conference, and the links to join are now active!
The focus of the nightlife and daylife groups is to find each other and plan activities together during the conference. The other groups can be used to connect with others, share useful information (e.g. job openings) or ask questions.
You can find links to join any of these groups here:
Looking forward to seeing many of you in Bremen!