CREATE Meet the Expert
“Meet The Experts” aims to facilitate interaction between early career and senior researchers in health psychology. Several “Meet The Experts” sessions are organised every year throughout the EHPS conference. These sessions are an opportunity for Early Career Researchers to meet, discuss, and network with senior researchers in health psychology in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere

Meet The Experts 2023
The CREATE committee is excited to announce this year’s ‘Meet The Experts’ (MTE) session at the EHPS Conference in Bremen!
These sessions provide a rare opportunity for early career researchers (ECR) to discuss their ideas and interact with experts – this year’s keynote speakers – in a relaxed environment. Each of the keynote speakers meets with a small group of ECRs during the conference to have a chat over coffee (or a different drink of choice 😉).
These sessions provide a rare opportunity for early career researchers (ECR) to discuss their ideas and interact with experts – this year’s keynote speakers – in a relaxed environment. Each of the keynote speakers meets with a small group of ECRs during the conference to have a chat over coffee (or a different drink of choice 😉).
Learn more about this year’s experts here:
Register here before August 18th:
More practical information regarding the exact time, location and application procedure will be announced soon
Prof. Urte Scholz, University of Zürich, Switzerland
- Social and dyadic processes for health behavior and well-being
- Intrapersonal associations in behavior change
- Temporal dynamics
- Development of theory-based interventions for health-behavior change

Prof. Adriana Baban, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
- Women's sexual and reproductive health
- Screening and cancer prevention
- Psychosocial dimensions of vaccination
- Health of vulnerable populations

Prof. Cornelia Betsch, University of Erfurt, Germany
- Social and individual aspects in health and medical decision making
- Psychology and infection control
- Risk perception and communication
- Evidence-informed health communication

Prof. Jutta Mata, University of Mannheim, Germany
- How do social contexts influence eating behaviour
- Psychological aspects of inequality
- Relation between health behaviours and environmental protection